Study in comprehensive therapeutics of peripheral facial neuritis treated with acupuncture pick a date to get involved 针刺疗法择期介入综合治疗周围性面神经炎的研究
Observation on therapeutic effect of acupuncture and cupping jar on peripheral facial neuritis at acute stage 针罐结合治疗急性期周围性面神经炎疗效观察
Objective: To observe the clinical therapeutic effects of the acupuncture and moxibustion treatment based on different stages and classification on acute peripheral facial neuritis. 结论:分期辨证针灸治疗急性周围性面神经炎的疗效优于常规针灸治疗的疗效。
Objective: To study on mechanisms of wrist-ankle acupuncture for prevention and treatment of peripheral neuritis complicated by diabetes. 目的:明确腕踝针疗法防治糖尿病末梢神经炎的作用机理。
Apart from the affected gland function, some patients have mild, self-limited joint pain, as well as vasculitis, peripheral neuritis, such as pulmonary fibrosis performance. 除腺体功能受影响外,部分病人还有轻度、自限性关节疼痛,以及血管炎、周围神经炎、肺纤维化等表现。
Objective To study the level diagnostic value of inching test on compression peripheral neuritis. 目的研究微移试验对嵌压性单神经病的定位诊断、选择治疗和判断预后的意义。
12 cases were misdiagnosed successively as peripheral neuritis, ataxia, multiple sclerosis, myopathy, myeleterosis and acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy ( AIDP). 单纯运动障碍1例。12例中先后误诊为:未梢神经炎、共济失调、多发性硬化、肌病、脊髓病变、急性炎症性脱髓鞘性多发性神经病(AIDP)。
The functions of nervus electrophysiology were examined on the model rats of diabetic peripheral neuritis induced by streptozotocin. 以链脲佐菌素造成大鼠糖尿病性周围神经炎模型,测定蛭萸方对神经电生理指标的影响。
Treatment of NDDM ⅱ Complicated with Peripheral Neuritis with Combined TCM and WM, a Report of 118 Cases 中西医结合治疗型糖尿病并发末梢神经炎118例疗效观察
Effects of Zhiyu Granules on sciatic nerve function of diabetic peripheral neuritis 蛭萸颗粒对糖尿病周围神经炎坐骨神经功能的影响
A case of peripheral neuritis caused by misusing calomel-containing herbs 误服含甘汞中药致周围神经损害1例报告
Thirty-six cases with subacute poisoning spinal and peripheral neuritis were diagnosed in 1973.The epidemiologic features of those patients were: the same time and place occurrence, as well as family aggregation. 36例亚急性中毒性脊髓周围神经炎的流行特征是:发病集中,有明显的家庭聚集性;
20 years 'fellow-up of 36 poisoning spinal and peripheral neuritis 36例中毒性脊髓周围神经炎暴发的20年随访
The relationships between the concentration of tyrosin and some of symptoms of arsenism, such as dyspigmentation, peripheral neuritis, were found. 还发现酪氨酸含量与砷中毒的一些症状如色素沉着、周围神经炎等有相关性。
Follow-up Survey Electromyography Analysis of 38 Cases of Drug Peripheral Neuritis 药物中毒性周围神经病电生理随访研究38例
Treatment of Diabetic Peripheral Neuritis in 31 Cases by "Rongren Decoction" 荣仁方治疗糖尿病周围神经炎31例
Analysis of 136 Cases of Diabetic Peripheral Neuritis by Electromyography 136例糖尿病性末梢神经炎的肌电图分析
Treatment of peripheral neuritis in diabetes with sequential compression therapy to limbs 循序加压肢体综合治疗糖尿病性末梢神经炎疗效观察
AIM: To discuss the mechanism of action of Zhiyu Granules on treating diabetic peripheral neuritis. 目的:探讨蛭萸颗粒治疗糖尿病周围神经病变的作用机理。
Causal Analysis of Peripheral Neuritis Caused by Intravenous Infusion& A One Case Report 1例静脉输液致周围神经炎的原因分析
The change of NEP is much more sensitive than that of MCV in the diagnosis of chronic CS2 poison with peripheral neuritis. 神经诱发电位的改变较MCV的改变对诊断慢性CS2中毒性周围神经炎更为敏感。
Objective To compare difference between plum-blossom needle therapy and hormonotherapy in the therapeutic effect on peripheral facial neuritis at acute stage. 目的比较梅花针叩刺与激素疗法对急性期周围性面神经炎的疗效差异。
Objective To study the effect of sequential compression therapy to limbs for peripheral neuritis in diabetic patients. 目的观察循序加压肢体综合治疗Ⅱ型糖尿病的治疗效果。
Objective To study electro-physiological characteristics of drug peripheral neuritis, and give some support to early diagnosis and prognosis judgement clinically. 目的研究药物中毒性周围神经病的神经电生理特点,为临床早期诊断及判断预后提供依据。
Peripheral neuritis and phlebitis in NEC group were more often than that in IEC group. NEC组的末梢神经炎和局部静脉炎稍高于IEC组。